Closed-cycle He-cooled cryostat with quartz window and GHz feed-through connection (10-300K).

Cryostat is a device used to maintain low cryogenic temperatures of the sample or devices mounted in it. Our lab is equipped with closed-cycle cryostat consisting of a chamber through which cold helium vapour is pumped. An external mechanical refrigerator extracts the warmer helium exhaust vapour, which is cooled and recycled. Thus it can run continuously for an indefinite period without the need to be refilled with helium.
Electrical and optical studies can be done with the low temperature as low as 10K and also at high temperature as high as 300K. The cooler have vibrations and this is reduced by isolating the sample from the compressor using an anti-vibrational set up. The sample holders are designed for thin film or bulk samples. Sample holders also have electrical pins wiring to the sample when performing electro-optical measurements. Additionally, it have a quartz window port which allows a maximum optical cone of light to the sample.

Person in charge:

Equipment location:Laboratory LFOS, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska c. 11c, Ajdovščina, Slovenia.

Equipment accessibility: from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m and 4 p.m., or else in preceding accordance with the person in charge.